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The conduct of socio-cultural, technological and scientific progress of mankind, especially since 1945, when the UN was created.
Geopolite University
To understand the mentality and the obstacles of the past and promote for the future a real humanism based on friendship, understanding, mutual respect, solidarity impartial, equal rights and peaceful coexistence.

Websites of organizations having an important role in Paligenesia

Only organization with a large global experience to be able to reconcile and unify all countries in the security of a truly peaceful coexistence?
Council of security
First meeting was in January 17th, 1946. This board is the only way to take control of the process of unification.

The Five Permanent countries of the Council of Security.

The People’s Republic of China – Presidency
United States of America – White House
Russian Federation – Presidency
France – Presidency
United Kingdom – Prime Minister

Missions of the 5 permanent members of the UN


International Court of Justice
His vocation was to become the World Court of Justice with the Supreme Court. It would draft the planetary constitution accepted by global states as they join the UN.
International Criminal court
Involved in the preparatory work for a new UN with the International Court of Justice


World Trade Organization
The only international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations.
World Bank
"Prosperity ... can only be achieved if attention is paid to human capital" Tawhid Nawaz
Economic and Social Council
Promotes and coordinates the economic and social development

Other UN Agencies

Trusteeship Council
Promotes the development and unification on the ground
United Nations for Education, Science and Culture Organization

European Organisms

European Union
Will Europe ever be truly united ? The waiting mankind is watching the slow march forward of the European Union.
Council of Europe
For a peaceful Europe based on the values of human rights and democracy
Organization for security and cooperation in Europe
For a comprehensive approach to safety in all areas, taking into account human aspects

Major space technology and science sites

European Space Agency
Russian Federal Space Agency
China National Space Administrat
National Centre for Space Studies

And beautiful pictures of the universe and galaxies
